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Meditation and creativity - a marriage made in heaven?

Can meditation really help the creative process?

Anyone who knows me, knows I struggle to stay focused on one thing. I start writing a novel and get side-tracked by a short story idea. I get half way through writing a short story and a song dances provocatively in my head. Despite the fact that I have two left feet, I seem to have no problem tango-ing between writing fiction, songs, playing music, and podcasting.

In short, I'm still trying to figure out who the hell I'm supposed to be.

Part of the problem is the dark mischievous creature hiding among the forest of my mind, holding forth a juicy red apple. 'Take a bite' he says, 'just one wee taste, no one will know.' And off I go, getting distracted, having fun elsewhere until I end up full circle. It drives me crazy.

A little over two years ago (in Lockdown, to be precise) I discovered meditation. I've always been interested in the practise, but with a monkey mind...well it's been a challenge, but I'm now meditating morning and night and... noon ( if I get distracted!)

The thing is, it helps - with everything, not just writing or songwriting. It has helped me step back from life and from my 'self' and stay calmer. It helps with the self-doubt, anxiety, grief and inspiration and it definitely helps with pre-performance nerves.

Being relatively new to performing as a band, it has taken a while for me to feel at home playing in front of a crowd. But by doing short meditations prior to getting on stage (thanking the audience for being there and visualising the gig going well), I've managed to quell those nerves to a point where I can physically sense the moment I begin to relax. It works and I feel a whole lot more 'connected' to the people kind enough to listen to us perform.

Like most writers or artists, self doubt can fuel a lot of my distraction techniques. But I'm slowly learning to sit with the doubt, accept it's there and move on.

If you're a creative who struggles with imposter syndrome or any form of creative block, meditation might be worth a try.

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